Activities of Adygine Endowment Fund in 2009 - 2013



The Endowment Fund was established on March 31st, 2009 . Its work was at first focused on activities in Kyrgyzstan , above all in connection with Adygine Research Station and Czech development project aimed at natural hazards.

Organization of international conference „MOUNTAINHAZARDS 2009: Mitigation of Natural Hazards in Mountain Areas“.

The international conference has been held in Bishkek. It was organized and sponsored mainly by Czech development project. Nearly 100 of experts from 18 countries participated at the meeting.



In 2010, the pivotal activity of fund was the execution of the project in Tajikistan : “Reinforcement of the sore of Yagnob river and decreasing of risks on important state road”.

The project was financed by Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs within the program of “Small Local Projects”.

Yagnob is the valley stretched between high Hissar and Zeravshan ridges (Pamiro-Alay mountains). River of the same name flows at the bottom of the valley. The administrative and social centre of the valley is Anzob village where live about 8000 of inhabitants. The side valleys are prone to the creation of debris-flows which often dam the river and destroy the road.

In 2007, the debris-flow fallen down from one side valley covered the road and partly dammed the river. Large lake appeared behind the dam during summer months every year and flooded the road. The inhabitants of central and upper valley were cut from surrounding world for 2-3 months.

During the project, the road was cleaned from debris and its margins were reinforced, the dam was cut and the river deepened.

The representatives of Adygine Fund participated in several international conferences and workshops. At in total 5 meetings in Kazakhstan , Tajikistan , Nepal and Israel has been performed presentations displaying the work of our research team including the information on Adygine Fund and Reserch Station.



In 2011, mostly new projects and proposals have been prepared.

The Endowment Fund has been the co-organizer of the conference MOUNTAINHAZARDS 2011: Climate Changes and Natural Hazards in Mountain Areas held in Dushanbe , Tajikistan . The meeting was follow-up of the conference in Bishkek 2009. The principal organizer and sponsor was UNDP. About 90 experts from 16 countries participated in the meeting.

The representative of the Fund Michal Cerny participated the EGU Conference in Vienna where informed the participants about the work of Adygine Fund and Station.

During work on ecological project in Kyrgyzstan , the Adygine station has been visited twice.



The Endowment Fund is together with Faculty of Science of Charles University, Prague and other partners from Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Canada collaborating at project: “ Glacier Hazards in Kyrgyzstan: Implications for Resource Development and Water security in Central Asia”. The project is financed from NATO Science for Piece and Security Programme, (Collaborative Linkage Grant - CLG).

The project is focused on research of climatic risks in connection with possible glacial lakes outbursts. Related topic studied within project is an influence of mentioned phenomenon to water resources and the link to the anthropogenic hazards. The field work has been carried out during July-August 2012. Two selected sites, Petrov Lake and Adygine glacier complex have been studied.


The Endowment Fund has been carrying out the project “Dobudování zázemí výzkumné a monitorovací stanice Adygine a rozšíření monitorovacího program” (Additional construction and improvement of facility of Adygine Research Stationin Kyrgyzstan ). The project has been financed by Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs. See pages: History of Station and facility on this website.


The Endowment Fund has been co-organizer of workshop “ Climate change adaptation strategies for areas prone to glacier hazards – the Bishkek case study”. The workshop aimed at assessment and mitigation of climate related hazards in mountain environment has been organized by  Department for Environmental Geosciences, University of Vienna in cooperation with institute CAIAG (Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences, Bishkek)


As in previous years, the preparatory work for future project and promising topics has been carried out in 2012.


Overview of projects carried out independently or in cooperation by Adygine Fund within a period from 2009 – 2013.

2009: Project „KYRGYZSKÁ REPUBLIKA. Analýza rizik a omezení důsledků protržení hrází vysokohorských jezer“.

Project of Czech Development. Executed by GEOMIN company.

Co-organizer of the conference „MOUNTAINHAZARDS 2009: Mitigation of Natural Hazards in Mountain Areas“ held in Bishkek in 2009.


2010: Project „Tádžikistán. Zpevnění břehu řeky Jagnob za účelem snížení rizika provozu na silnici celostátního významu“.

Small local project financed by Ministry of Foregn Affairs of the Czech Republic .

Executed by Adygine Endowment Fund.


2011: Organization of the conference „ MOUNTAINHAZARDS 2011: Climate Changes and Natural Hazards in Mountain Areas“.

Main organizer was UNDP.

Co-organizer of the conference.


2012-2013: Project „ Glacier Hazards in Kyrgyzstan : Implications for Resource Development and Water security in Central Asia “.

Financed by NATO, Science for Peace and Security Programme.

International team, co-organizer and participant of the project.

2012: Project „Reconstruction of the facility of Adygine Research Station in Kyrgyzstan and improving of monitoring programme “.

Small local project financed by Ministry of Foregn Affairs of the Czech Republic .

Executed by Adygine Endowment Fund.

2012: Workshop „Climate change adaptation strategies for areas prone to glacier hazards – the Bishkek case study”.

Organized by University of Vienna and CAIAG institute, Bishkek.

Co-organizer and participant.

2013: Mezinárodní conference “ MOUNTAINHAZARDS 2013: Natural Hazards, Climate Change and Water in Mountain Areas”.

Main organizer was UNDP.

Co-organizer of the conference.


2013: Project “Support of educational programme in children´s homes and boarding schools in Kyrgyzstan ”.

Small local project financed by Ministry of Foregn Affairs of the Czech Republic .

Co-organizer of the project executed by NGO Alterra.


